Docker Installation

For production installation, we use Docker.

  1. Grab our production-ready docker-compose.yml file (wget
  2. Grab our example .env file (wget
  3. Modify the .env with your desired settings
  4. Launch your production environment with docker-compose up -d
  5. By default, you’ll be on port 8000. You’ll need to proxypass this on your host webserver.

Environment Variables

Krypted supports numerous environment variables, which are set in your .env file.

Required Environment Variables

Variable Description Example
DJANGO_SECRET Django Secret used for hashing. aosdfiajsdufihi234h9fasd
VERSION Git branch to checkout. master
DEBUG Enable Django debugging. True or False
SITE_DOMAIN The domain of your site.
SITE_TITLE The title of your site. My Site
DATABASE Your database preference. SQLLITE or MYSQL

Optional Environment Variables

Variable Description Example
MYSQL_USER MYSQL Database user krypted
MYSQL_PORT MYSQL Database port 3306
MYSQL_PASSWORD MYSQL Database password mypassword
EMAIL_HOST Host for your SMTP server. Enables email verification.
EMAIL_PORT Port for your SMTP server. 123
EMAIL_HOST_USER User for your SMTP server.
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD Password for your SMTP server. password
EMAIL_USE_TLS You'll know if you need it. True or False
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL You'll know if you need it. None
SITE_PROTOCOL Your transfer protocol. http:// or https://.
INSTALLED_APPS Comma separated applications to add to INSTALLED_APPS django_discord_connector, django_eveonline_connector
PIP_INSTALLS List of pip packages, comma separated. package1,package2,package3
GIT_INSTALLS List of pip packages to install from GitHub, comma separated. / KryptedGaming/django-eveonline-connector,KryptedGaming/django-discord-connector

Example .env file

SITE_TITLE=My Corporation

We’ll pick this apart piece by piece.

  1. We set the DJANGO_SECRET to secret, which isn’t very secure, but it’s something. All of our hashing will be done by this, so if we ever need to migrate we need this value.
  2. We set the SITE_DOMAIN to localhost, meaning users will access our website by going to https://localhost
  3. We set the SITE_NAME to My Corporation, which will update certain areas of the site to have our name.
  4. MYSQL_DATABASE This is the database name that we’ll use.
  5. MYSQL_USER This is the database user that has access to the above database.
  6. MYSQL_PASSWORD We obviously need the password.
  7. MYSQL_HOST Depending on where you’re hosting your MYSQL database, you’ll set this value. In this case, we’re using docker-compose and our database is a local container on the same network.
  8. MYSQL_PORT You’ll likely not need to change this.
  9. REQUIREMENTS Here’s where the interesting part comes in. The REQUIREMENTS has two formats: <Package Name> and <GitHub User>/<Repository Name>. If we add something like django_eveonline_connector, pip will install it from the Python package index. If we specify KryptedGaming/django-discord-connector, we will grab it from GitHub.
  10. Requirements aren’t enough because some repositories will have different names. We might have a better solution in the future, but for now you need to specify all of the EXTENSIONS to be added to INSTALLED_APPS.

Using Packages

Each package has their own installation settings. Refer to that package for special instructions.