Docker Administration

This will go over how to administrate your container.

Basic Docker

To get things like <container_name> or other variables we may mention here, you’ll need to know some basic Docker.

  • docker container ls Lists all containers. You’ll be able to get <container_name> from here.
  • docker-compose up Starts up your containers from a docker-compose.yml. Run with -d to detach from terminal.
  • docker-compose down Stops your containers from a docker-compose.yml
  • docker-compose build If you’re using our Dockerfile, this will rebuild the image.
  • docker-compose pull If you’re using our image, this will update your images to the latest.

Creating Superuser Accounts

Superuser accounts have all Django permissions, and are optimal for your admin accounts.

  1. docker container exec -it <container_name> python3 /opt/krypted/app/ createsuperuser
  2. Fill out the information as required

Running Django Commands

Some packages require you to run setup scripts or other Django commands.

  1. docker container exec -it <container_name> python3 /opt/krypted/app/ <command>

Database Backups

Backups are important, you should do them frequently and every time before you updgrade.

  1. Create a backup with
sudo docker-compose exec db sh -c 'exec mysqldump "$MYSQL_DATABASE" -u"$MYSQL_USER" -p"$MYSQL_PASSWORD" 2>/dev/null' | gzip > "`date +"%Y_%m_%d"`_krypted.sql.gz"
  1. Restore a backup with
zcat *krypted.sql.gz | docker-compose exec -T db sh -c 'exec mysql "$MYSQL_DATABASE" -u"$MYSQL_USER" -p"$MYSQL_PASSWORD"'